So here goes and lets see how much I actually get done by the end of the month.
1. Start and complete the 4 baby bassinet blankets I have cut out.
2. Give my website a good over haul and relaunch it. (Yep I do have a website but its a little sad at the moment)
4. Open a Madeit account and have stock up for sale.
5. Clean the laundry out so I know where all my crafting stuff is.
6. Make atleast 4 batches of soap ready for December.
7. Sew up the baby booties I have knitted.
8. Make a Birthday Banner for the Cheeky Monkey ( He's 2 this December).
9. Make the Cheeky Monkey's birthday decorations.
10. Start wrapping the gifts I have already bought for Christmas.
11. Blog atleast every send day for this month. Update 10/11 This is turning into every 3rd day at the moment but its a goal I will try to aim for.
12. Sew up the cot quilt cover that I bought material for 2 months ago.
13.Visit atleast 2 other blogs when I do get onto blogger.
14. Finish off the hair clips I have started.
15. Finish off the hair clip canvas I started.
16. Finish off the canvas I started for the Cheeky Monkey.
17. Finish the taggy squares.
18. Keep knitting the baby blanket that needs another 12 patterned rows it has 3 so far.
19. Find or make the black Christmas decorations that I want this year. Don't ask me why black but its the colour I chose.
20. Have a garage sale.
21. Get out back yard cleaned and revamped for Christmas day.
22. Buy a new BBQ for summer.
Well thats all I can think of right now and I thinks its enough for now too.
I'll keep you updated on how I go with this list.
Till next time take care, Live life and enjoy it.
Update 10/11 This is turning into every 3rd day at the moment but its a goal I will try to aim for.
Update 19/11/2010 I can cross 1 thing off my list and I have :D
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